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The Twin Towers of Philippine Volleyball takes on the Chery Tiggo 7 Pro… soon on Mobility PH!

The Twin Towers of Philippine Volleyball takes on the Chery Tiggo 7 Pro… soon on Mobility PH!

Ardie Lopez
The Twin Towers of Philippine Volleyball takes on the Chery Tiggo 7 Pro... soon on Mobility PH!

Our host Ardie gets to know what a volleyball feels like when the Twin Towers of the Chery Tiggo Crossovers volleyball team take turns in sending him spikes, on this teaser for a very special feature on the Chery Tiggo 7 Pro, with them behind the wheel. Coming soon on Inquirer Mobility! #InquirerMobility #InquirerMotoring #Motioncars #ChreryTiggo7Pro #CheryTiggoCrossovers