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From NASA to NASCAR, X1R introduces additives for the motorcycle industry

From NASA to NASCAR, X1R introduces additives for the motorcycle industry

Alvin Uy

Born in Daytona and used by NASA, the X1R has been around since the 1990s. It quickly became a popular choice when NASA asked for the company’s expertise in reducing friction through lubrication which the brand became very successful in the tough proving grounds of motor racing. But for NASA, it wasn’t just enhancing engine performance, it meant that using the best lubrication system can save the space program millions of dollars in repairs and maintenance for its 12-million-pound space shuttle mobile launch transporter, the world’s heaviest transport vehicle called the “Crawler”.

After a series of field testing and practical use, the X-1R became the only lubricant company to be inducted into the Space Foundation/NASA Space Technology Hall of Fame. NASA awarded it with a “Certified Space Technology” accreditation, besting all other brands after it performed flawlessly under intense pressure and abuse.

X1R’s automotive products have been around the Philippine market for decades and last Friday, it locally introduced its products to service the motorbike industry. The NASA Hall of Fame Awardee for Performance Lubrication carries three decades of proven performance and it is one of the most popular franchised car distribution and dealership networks nationwide; and has become the top value-added product servicing the Philippine automotive industry.

It has now set its sights on the motorcycle industry, being the fastest growing sector with its revolutionary X-1R Motorbike Formula with a promised 15-percent increase in power. This dyno-tested product also has added benefits of up to 15-percent reduction in fuel consumption. This would mean immense savings specially for logistical companies and B2C fleets like Grab, Lalamove, Joy Ride and the like. This also translates to lesser breakdowns and repair cost.  This trifecta of winning combination by reducing friction ensures the long term durability and running cost of motorcycles with very minimal added cost that translates to savings.

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For more information about our X-1R Motorbike Formula, please call or text  0956-809-5284 or visit their FaceBook page : or visit their website:

NASA’s Night Crawler