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Discovering what women want

Discovering what women want

Karen Jimeno

“When choosing a car for yourself, do you use this (pointing to the head) or this (pointing to the heart)?” This was a question posed by Chris Ward, Vice President of IC Land Automotive Inc., as he stood in front of me and a small group of women during an exclusive ladies’ night with the new Range Rover SV.

As we sipped wine and welcome drinks prepared by Helm of Chef Josh Boutwood, my friend (former model and now finance executive) Apple Barretto responded to Chris Ward’s question. She said she tries to use her head, especially when budget is a consideration for buying a car, but the heart often prevails. karen jimeno

As I looked around the luxury furniture and Versace home pieces from Opulence which were surrounding us, I realized that buying a car is often similar to choosing a luxury item. The head tries to rationalize the purchase, but the heart ultimately prevails. But perhaps one should ask if it’s sensible to seek rationality when faced with the opportunity to experience beauty and luxury.

When the new Range Rover SV made its debut in the Philippines, it was displayed in a specially curated space in Ayala Alabang Village, one of the most exclusive enclaves in the country.

The space embodied Range Rover’s luxurious, modernist design philosophy while reflecting local and cultural trends. Range Rover’s design principles, refinement, and tranquil sanctuary were brought to life through a host of curated experiences that mirror the luxurious experience of a Range Rover.

Soon after we were welcomed by Chris Ward, we marveled around an art exhibit curated by Galleria Paloma. We then descended to the basement where we enjoyed a whiskey master class by Dalmore, while dining on gourmet food designed especially by Chef Josh Boutwood to express the luxury of the Range Rover brand (the foie gras with gold leaf being the most popular among the guests).

The highlight of the evening was experiencing the exclusive showcase of the Range Rover SV. We were able to immerse inside the Range Rover SV and feel the sanctuary of its cabin. The ladies swooned when they saw the champagne chiller. When Chris asked businesswoman Rina Navarro what she thought of the Range Rover SV, her candid response was “it had me at champagne.”

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While it may seem ridiculous to base a car purchase on a champagne chiller, this is perhaps the epitome of what luxury is about. The essence of luxury is founded on feelings evoked in a person. Observing the ladies with the Range Rover SV, I saw giddiness and a sense of feeling special. If Chris Ward asked his heart vs. head question now, I’d guess choices of the heart would win by a landslide.

Despite that evening’s revelation, the ladies’ night was not a mere social experiment to give Chris Ward insights on how women pick cars.

On why the ladies night with the Range Rover SV, a first of its kind in the Philippines, was conceived, Chris Ward shares: “The Philippines is one of the fastest growing countries in Asia, with a rising number of high net-worth individuals. This is why this is a great opportunity for the Philippine market, as our discerning clients look for exclusivity and utmost luxury. This is the first time Range Rover SV has been publicly shown and this is the best way to reinforce our Modern Luxury principles in a way that clients have not previously experienced.”