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What’s in my bag during a road trip?

What’s in my bag during a road trip?

Jeanette Tuason

Long weekends are here; and road trips are calling! But let’s be honest—packing for a family road trip can feel like prepping for a small expedition, especially for moms like me who ensure everything runs smoothly (a.k.a. the behind-the-scenes magic makers). From family essentials to safety must-haves, take a peek at what I pack for a drive!


Allergies? Headaches? Digestive issues from that new snack: Did you think it was a good idea? Pack essential medicines like allergy pills, painkillers, and tummy remedies like Erceflora and Po Chai pills. Trust me, these small essentials can make a huge difference.

Portable diffuser

Hotel rooms sometimes carry that distinct aroma that doesn’t vibe with sensitive noses. A portable diffuser with calming essential oils can transform any room and keep allergies at bay. A touch of home wherever you go.

Car tools and a list of roadside assistance

Before hitting the road, give your car a quick check-up. Confirm your oil, water, brake fluid, and tire pressure are all set. Bring along a portable tire inflator and jumper cables, just in case. Nothing ruins a road trip faster than unexpected car troubles.

Also, check if your car’s manufacturer offers emergency roadside assistance. Toyota, for instance, is offering free emergency assistance this Undas from October 31 to November 3 at participating dealerships across the country. Visit:




Cordless blender

No more excuses for not keeping your healthy habits! I bring my cordless Nutribullet to make smoothies from the hotel buffet spread. Chargeable via USB, it’s my season’s must-have for a healthier lifestyle. (BTW it also works on creating a frozen margaritas or Aperol spritz)

Chargers and go-bag

If there’s one non-negotiable, it’s keeping your devices charged. Pack chargers and power banks for all your gadgets well, as well as a small go-bag with essentials like snacks, wipes, a flashlight, and a mini first-aid kit. Keep it accessible for easy grabs while driving.

Snacks and water

Hungry kids on a long drive? Hard pass. Bring mess-free snacks like trail mix, crackers, or fruits. This small step can save you from mid-ride meltdowns and keep everyone happily munching along.

Water is your friend; it’s for drinking and washing. You get the picture

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Map or offline GPS

We rely on our phones, but some parts of the Philippines can be remote. Download offline maps or bring a physical one (yes, they still exist!). Losing a signal in the mountains without a backup isn’t fun.

Preparation Beats Hassle

Taking time to pack the essentials may feel like a lot, but it makes the journey much more enjoyable for everyone. Safety First. A well-prepped trip means a safer trip. Keep everyone healthy, happy, and focused on the adventure. 

Enjoy your weekend, keep these essentials handy, and make some worthwhile memories on the open road!